Your story, your writer


Allen R. Kates, MFAW

Free Writing Workshops

Memoirs, Novels, Self-Editing, Ghostwriting

Tucson, Arizona



      “Allen's classes are always lively, fun and informative.”

     —Sally Greenleaf, Patagonia, AZ

 On occasion, Allen R. Kates offers free one-day writing workshops on Writing Memoirs, Novels, Self-Editing and Ghostwriting.


For dates, location and details, please go to and click on "Free Workshops."



Comments about Allen's workshops


“I liked the informal, relaxed atmosphere and comfortable pace. This was the inspiration and practicality I needed.” 

    —Lloyd Sharp, Patagonia, AZ


“I’ve learned more in these two days than in four months through my writing course.”

     —Nancy Alder, Green Valley, AZ


“As a veteran of many literary conferences and workshops, I can say that this one has given me more useful advice than all the others combined. Your sense of humor keeps it from becoming a chore.”
—Jeanne Elliott, Green Valley, AZ


“You covered material I had no idea I needed to consider.”

     —Harold Marshall, Sonoita, AZ


“The workshop was well thought out, organized and presented with energy and enthusiasm! Relaxed, comfortable atmosphere and good student involvement.”                                     

     —Terry Price, Elgin, AZ


Allen's writing workshops in other countries

From time to time, Allen conducts writing workshops in other countries, either in person or via Skype.


 Allen speaks at writing conference in Brazil via Skype (left)