Your story, your writer

Writing Traumatic Stories


If you have a traumatic story to tell, it helps to write it down. That's what journaling is about. And for help with that therapeutic process, please click on this link



In addition, there is a powerful new process for helping you tell your story, whether it's a memoir, life story, autobiography or family history. It's called:


You Should Write a Book About It!


Most of us have lived through traumatic incidents and many of us have wanted to write about our experiences. You may want to turn your story into
a book and work with Allen, but to get started you can share your experience on the website for the Institute for Traumatic Stress (ITS) at




 Please be sure to click on You Should Write A Book About It!


 The Institute's website offers a mechanism for you to
 release your painful thoughts and feelings and at the same
 time help others with their suffering.



Contact Allen

To estimate how long your book may take to write and how much it may cost, please contact me. Your consultation is free and everything you discuss is confidential. Click here to connect.